osaka airport transfer

When I sit in the osaka airport transfer car above, I found that the original of this car is free shuttle, I feel really was too good, and they are directly to I sent to me to go inside the hotel, so, I feel more convenient. I for the first time to the inside, to the side, I see the osaka airport transfer car, so I think sitting the car should be not wrong, I can go where I want to go, so I just the osaka airport transfer car the, but the service they really is let me not think ah, I think the osaka airport transfer car really is to those of us unfamiliar type to provide a convenient and really is quite good, I love them very much.

日本 酒店

我覺得這個日本 酒店真的挺不錯的,住著真的是太舒服了,我還是第一次在日本 酒店裡面住宿呢,而且我覺得吧,這個日本 酒店裡面的環境真的是很好的,而且我覺得吧,在這樣的酒店住宿真的是很好,因為真的是太舒服了,所以我覺得這次選擇在日本 酒店裡面住宿真的是對的。我這次是來日本旅遊的,當時我來的時候,也不知道哪個酒店好,後來我就決定在日本 酒店裡面住宿,因為我覺得這個日本 酒店挺有名的,應該差不到哪去,現在看來,這個日本 酒店真的是挺好的,我真的是很喜歡。





酒店 消費

再也不要看人家每次去酒店之後人家的酒店 消費情況了,你自己想要去玩,那麼你就去看看到底人家的酒店 消費高不高,其實這樣的事情真的沒有可比性,因為你自己有你自己的情況,人家也有人家的考慮,你只要做好你自己就可以了,其實很多時候我都是那種做事情有我自己考慮的人,我覺得我現在可以做很好,那麼我肯定會做到最好,但是我對於和人比較的事情,我覺得真的是沒有必要那樣,因為你自己要明白你現在所處的位置,這樣的話你就會明白你該怎麼去做的問題了。

和服體驗 東京

一般人都對和服充滿了期望吧,其實我也是一樣的,因為我還沒有穿過和服呢,於是當我知道可以和服體驗 東京的時候,我就趕緊跟我周圍的姐妹們商量看看我們要不要一起去和服體驗 東京呢,結果他們的意見跟我一直,說是一定要去看看呢,我很呢開心,也很激動,因為我是真的想知道如果我穿上不同和服的樣子呢,於是我們這次出去的時候,還專門帶了相機呢,我就是想紀念住這一時刻,我想讓大家都看到我穿和服的樣子呢,所以我就帶了自己的相機。



toyota cars

See colleagues came this morning, we see a new Toyota cars, I hurriedly asked him what he bought it’s a new car, he told me very happy because he wants to marry his boyfriend and his family felt this was a particularly happy to let the family thing, so he gave him a Toyota cars, and he told me this is he has been like the type of car, this time his father also satisfy his desire, he is very happy, also said later if you get a chance to let us also do his car to go for a drive, we are very much looking forward to, because the car looks really very smart! Of course we all like!

攝影 工作室

開了一個攝影 工作室之後,我覺得我還是很忙的那種狀態,我朋友們都給我說,你自己還是不要那麼辛苦了,你要是覺得有需要我們幫助的地方,你一定要說,你這個人其實什麼都好,就是不管有什麼事情,愛自己扛這點真的很不好,其實我知道他們說的都對,但是我還是會忍不住想想到底我在哪裡出了問題,所以說我們的攝影 工作室到現在其實經營狀態都不怎麼好,我覺得我現在要好好去面對這樣的問題,這樣的話我才會有更加大的進步和提高。


I was happy to see the children playing with the Digimon toys. At noon today, I don’t have to do, I took the children to go out shopping together, in a toy store, they saw the Digimon toys, they say, is now the Digimon toys are popular, they are also very love, I looked at the Digimon. I feel very good, and I see a lot of people are buying the Digimon toys, I bought them each one, then they took the toy has been playing in the Digimon, is very happy, I think for parents, as long as it is to see the child’s smile, as long as is he happy growth, this is our greatest comfort.