日本 大廈

這個日本 大廈好像是最近才投資建成的,聽說是好幾個國家的公司一起合作的,真的挺厲害的,反正在我們那邊可沒有像日本 大廈這樣的地方。要說也是這邊的地產投資比較火,像我們家那邊,地皮多的很都沒有人要的。有很多地產公司都跑到日本去做投資了,聽說也賺了不少。我有一個朋友就是在建築公司上班的,他說今年到明年的工程都排滿了,有好幾個就是日本的建築項目,雖然有很多也是一些小的建築項目,但是也是很不錯的。

日本 訂房

聽說現在日本 訂房特別難,因為很多人都跑到那邊旅遊了,果然我找了好幾個酒店,打電話過去人家就說沒有空房間了,有的話就是特別貴的那種總統套房,我當然住不起了。於是就改成找一些周邊的旅館。旅館的話雖然環境是沒有酒店那麼高檔,但是有些旅館的環境也是很不錯的,而且住在周邊的話也是很不錯的,人不會特別多。我以前日本 訂房的時候真的沒有遇到這種情況,不過還好找到了一家很不錯的旅館,而且也訂到了滿意的房間。





Taipei hotel near mrt

Brother returned from the field, listen to uncle said he had never been on the subway, let I’ll go to pick him up, if he lost, I said no problem, the afternoon after work, the younger brother to give me the phone call, I was driving past, he received after the put to the preset Hotel Taipei, brother in the vehicle above asked what I have Taipei hotel near MRT, he wanted to play with it in the past two days here, there will be the subway, I said there is a lot of Taipei hotel near MRT, very convenient, for a while after I sent him the net to check again. Taipei Hotel, the near MRT message to send him to a specific mobile phone above, the brother said that it would be good.

kenting boutique hotel

Husband Kenting Boutique Hotel ordered the really great, I really like. Or husband carefully, every time we go out he would consider the problem when play is very thoughtful, this Kenting boutique hotel is the husband in before we came to Taipei we are going to be on the plane when the husband in the online ordering, order time although time some tight, but did not think of is husband or set up so nice hotel, because when we went to Taipei time have some late, so to kenting boutique hotel after we went early to rest. Now I have been in the Kenting boutique hotel shop there for one night, really comfortable. The room inside the equipment are very complete very perfect, let me today that there is time to go to enjoy the Kenting boutique hotel.



where to stay in Taipei

My sister works in a travel agency, now the weather began to heat up, people are more and more tourism. Her work also began to busy. She said that many of the recent travel to Taiwan, especially in Taipei. She would help these guests Hotel, now they are using the where to stay in Taipei where to stay in Taipei, with the search words can find a lot of very good hotel. Where to stay in Taipei on top of the hotel is the basic and they have a long-term relationship of travel agency, so is very convenient. Like the previous where to stay in Taipei no time, is to own a hotel is a hotel contact. So it will takes a lot of time.

日本 酒店

這次還是我第一次來日本 酒店呢,因為我朋友打電話說是他已經在日本 酒店候客廳等我了,所以我就有些著急,畢竟我們倆都已經好幾年沒有見了,而且我朋友這次見我還是因為他給我們公司帶來了一個新的業務,所以我很積極,想著到了日本 酒店之後,再好好請我朋友吃頓飯,聽說這裡的餐飲也是日本一流的,所以今天一定要盡情的享受一下呢。不然的話我朋友說不定還不樂意呢,他大老遠來就是為了我剛剛成立的公司。就衝這一點我都應該好好感謝他呢。

台北 太陽餅

這次出差回去的時候一定要記得多帶一些台北 太陽餅回去,上次出差來台北的時候因爲太匆忙了,都把老婆給我交待好的,帶台北 太陽餅的事給忘記了,回去之後老婆都不高興了好幾天,我也知道老婆非常的喜歡吃台北 太陽餅,其實我自己也覺得台北 太陽餅非常的好吃,外酥裏軟,口感非常的不錯。第一次吃的時候還是和老婆我們去台北玩的時候吃過的,可是後來就沒怎麽吃過了,老婆都給我說過幾次想吃台北 太陽餅,可是在我們哪也買不到,上次來了一次台北還把這事忘了,這次可回去的時候可一定要記得買台北 太陽餅。