







osaka hotel

This is the first time I came to Japan, I think this place is really a very good although I didn’t turn out, but I live in the Osaka Hotel, I think it is a good place, I went to the Osaka Hotel also went to one, but I think everything is the same as the, give a person a kind of find everything fresh and new feeling, in fact I do not know Osaka Hotel is so good, this is one of my friends called me and said, he that can let me have a look to it, then I will use the time to rest, I think it is a good place, and close to our friends, this is mainly to find a friend to play, so stay away from the near or good.


我也給我們家小孩子買了一個安全座椅,因為我每次開車帶孩子出去的 時候,總感覺孩子坐在副駕駛上不安全,因為現在的車座都是為成年人設計的,很少有孩子能坐的,所以當我看到朋友家的孩子坐在家裡人給買的安全座椅上,特別安全,就想到為了孩子的安全考慮,我也應該給我們家孩子買個安全座椅才對,因為去的時候我就是跟我老公還有孩子一起去的,。我家寶寶看到一個顏色比較鮮艷的安全座椅的 時候,就要讓我給他買,所以我就按照孩子的要求給買了一個安全座椅。


現在整容行業越來越發达了,不衹是女人,就連好多男生也去整容了。而且現在很多人減肥不成功的,也會去選擇 抽脂手術,不過這個手術風險挺大的,而且這個 抽脂手術對身體健康也不太好,一般來說現在做 抽脂手術的都是有頑固性肥胖的人,因為肥胖已經影響正常生活和身體健康了,所以才會去選擇 抽脂。我有个同學就是因為太胖了,都患上了三高了,而且一直也沒有對象,所以去做了 抽脂,現在配合運動,已經好多了。


上次我和閨蜜去西安逛街,本來是陪她去賣衣服的,後來逛到鐘樓了那塊儿,真的是人山人海摩肩接踵啊。看到好多人都在摆小攤,各種各樣的小玩意兒都是小女生喜歡的東西。我和同學一人買了一個手機吊墜,然後一路邊走邊看,後來看到幾個老人再賣 手工皂材料,她們那還有介紹製作的流程,有成品 手工皂材料在那,色彩繽紛,聞起來也好香。我一時興起也買了一點 手工皂材料,準備自己回學校製作,要是製作成功了以後以後我再來買。

Taipei four star

College entrance examination ended, feeling depressed for twelve years at the end of time at the moment to leave the examination room, regardless of how the final test, at least he tried, but also a. The holiday will wait for a problem, sometimes at night dreamt about his exam in a complete mess, we wake up to find that a false alarm. Don’t want so much pressure on the day, so I decided to go out to play, I and another friend to go to Shanghai Taipei four star, this place was on the Internet to see, really very beautiful, so came to Shanghai in addition to shopping tourism, is to go to the Taipei four star. That summer in Shanghai really hot ah, feel the burn, we had a ten days really can not stand, went home.

kamen rider

Hard work you’ve been away, should now be home with his wife and children, but has been at home ah, remember my son asked me to buy him a Kamen Rider series toys, my son and I went to the Kamen Rider toy store, there were a lot of ah, but also a lot of Kamen Rider series of toys are out of stock, son wants. Kamen Rider toys did not buy, look so flourishing Kamen Rider store, I could not help but want to open a Kamen Rider series of toy store, go home and discuss his wife, the wife is also very agree, decided the busy Kamen Rider series of toy shop.