In the Kenting boutique hotel for several days, play a very fun, I’m going to visit my friends today, he was studying here now, seems to be relatively hard look, I thought this time to travel to Taiwan, where he and I live in Kenting Boutique Hotel, so we can play together a few day, the results he said he too busy with their studies, to have no time to play, it is really a pity, but he can’t come here. I can go to see him. Yesterday went to the night market to buy many delicious things, today with over to him, even though he busy learning, but I went to see his words will not keep him long.
日本 買樓
在日本 買樓應該也是要花不少錢的,印象中覺得好像只有中國的房價是最貴的,總覺得其他國家買房的壓力應該是沒有那麼重,不過忽略了一個問題就是,日本是發達國家,國民的生活水平本來就比我們高,所以相對肯定壓力不是那麼大。但是對與一些家庭條件不是很好的人,在日本 買樓也是比較困難的。我有一個朋友在日本工作,現在準備在那邊常駐了,所以就有了日本 買樓的計劃,但是日本 買樓對他來說還是有壓力的。需要再奮鬥一段時間才行。
osaka hotel
Because it’s like watching anime, so learn Japanese, know Kansai cavity. Osaka here is the Kansai cavity, always feel that Osaka dialect sounded particularly cordial, more grounded gas. So go to Japan travel most want to go is Osaka, heard that the culture is also very rich. Finally got the chance to go, I’ll start to set Osaka Hotel now. Be. Because it is the first time to travel to Japan, also what all don’t understand, so to understand lots of things. On this trip has been looking forward to for a long time, so be prepared for it. Osaka hotel does not need to order is very good, but I hope to be able to live to the very local characteristics of the Osaka Hotel, that certainly is not the same feeling. Now more and more looking forward to this trip.
京都 住宿
因為喜歡看動漫所以學了日語,以前還想當導遊的,但是因為導遊的工作實在是太辛苦了,所以就轉到幕後了,感覺現在這個工作也是不錯的。我現在就是負責安排去日本旅遊的遊客的衣食住行,其實這也不是一個輕鬆的活,要很仔細 才行。我們跟京都 住宿一直有很好的合作關係,所以還是很方便的,從我們這裡出去的日本團基本都是在京都落腳的,所以訂京都 住宿就很方便。很多遊客也反應京都 住宿的環境很不錯,基本都是非常滿意的。
這次見到發小的時候,時候我都有點認不出來她了,這也才一年多沒見她,變化真的好大的。現在可是一個大美女了, 以前的時候我還記得她從小的時候就遺傳了她媽媽臉上有好多的斑的,現在臉上的班全沒了,而且皮膚也是特別的白嫩的,讓我看的也是非常的羡慕嫉妒。好久沒見了所以我們就坐在一起聊了一會,後來我才知道原來是她前不久的時候去做了一個除斑,臉上的班就是除斑全部去掉的,而且她為了這個除斑都已經準備了好久了,現在也長大了,都快要談婚論嫁,臉蛋保養也是很重要的。
台湾 凤梨酥
東京 房地產
在日本也工作了好多的了,這段時間我還了解到了很多的東京 房地產,之前的時候我對迷個東京 房地產根本是一點都不懂的,可是前段時間我一個朋友過來后,他特別的喜歡東京 房地產這方面的工作,于是就去做東京 房地產工作了,這段時間他就和我住在一個公寓里面,每天下班回去后,我們坐一起他都會給我講一些他工作上面的事情,于是我慢慢的也對東京 房地產有所有了解,也是在他的感染下,我都想在日本買房子的,
osaka hotel
First came to Japan, because people say Japan’s taxi is very expensive, then their bus, got lost, how also can not find Osaka hotel. But fortunately finally always ask for directions have been looking for, finally found. In fact, this is in Japan, because some of the place names are also subject Chinese characters, I can know, if in those countries in Europe it, really is blind, even if the hotel beside me, I might not be able to find the estimation. In fact, we have to thank the enthusiastic people in Japan, I asked when they osaka hotel address will be very polite, very detailed to me, otherwise the light on my own, perhaps to find a go in the evening.