




就這幾天的時候我都已經參加了六個同學的婚禮了,這快過年了,也變成了一個結婚的高峰期了,這段時間結婚的朋友也真是太多了,不果這幾天去的這幾個朋友的婚禮都非常的不劃,每個人的婚宴場地的有不同,非常的大氣熱鬧,看到朋友們一個個的結婚了,我心里也是好生的羡慕啊,每次去參加婚禮,要是自己也在婚宴場地現場 的話,真的心里就特別的想,要是這是自己的婚禮那應該多好啊,所以我也得好好的加油了,早早的找到自己的別一半,到時我也要找一個盛大的婚宴場地,舉辦一下獨一無二的婚禮。

日本 高級住宅大樓

去日本旅遊的時候我就去了朋友家裏,以前朋友就說她一家人在日本居住著,這次到日本旅遊我就聯繫了我這個朋友,沒有想到朋友一家人住的地方竟然是日本 高級住宅大樓覺得朋友家裏的變化挺大的,跟朋友在聊天的時候朋友就告訴我說是她爸爸在日本做的生意挺大的說她畢業之後一家人就去了日本,聽了朋友講的事情我就說她們住的這個地方她挺好的,我之前就在網上看到過日本 高級住宅大樓的一些介紹沒有想到這次能親自看到,朋友聽到我那樣講就說她也挺喜歡這個地方的。

osaka hotel

Now doing the work of the special no strength do not want to do the work now, I quit my job today. Night came home I will give friends told I quit my job and things, friends listened to my story is that she has a colleague I want Osaka Hotel to work in Osaka Hotel work asked, said to be in the very good treatment, listening to friends talk about things I told my friend just quit my job and want to have a good rest now, hear me speak like friends said that I was a good rest that is I rested her for me to introduce the work, hear my friends say that I also promise. I told my friends that I want to go home to see your parents.

japan hotel

I remember my mother very small when you told me that she wanted to travel to Japan, I make the wish mom’s been recorded in the heart inside, and now I have to work for more than two years of their own also have some savings, this holiday I’m going to take my mother to travel to japan. Today, with my mother in the chat when I gave my mother told to take her to Japan Tourism thing, mom listened to my story is especially excited, I told my mother I have set a good room will go directly to live on the line in the Japan Hotel, and Japan Hotel inside the special environment well, my mom heard me say that she told me to travel to Japan must prepare well, let me just give her to take some photographs.

kyoto hotel

My cousin told me that she had a classmate now in Kyoto Hotel work I asked cousin she is how to know, my cousin told me that she is to say is to listen to her a student speaks in a classmate party a few days ago, listen to my cousin about what I said the next time I would travel to Japan should go to Kyoto Hotel the student accommodation she can give preferential ah, cousin to hear I say said when she was with her before the students studying them is particularly good, that is sure to help, heard cousin said that I said that is too good, the cousin told I said to be good at the hotel she students work very, said she has been on the Internet know before.

濱千鳥之湯 海舟

放假的時候我就帶家人一塊去了濱千鳥之湯 海舟爸媽玩的特別的開心 ,我也是非常開心。回來之後媽媽就說下次要是有時間她還會跟我爸爸兩個人去濱千鳥之湯 海舟遊玩的,聽了媽媽講的事情我就說她跟我爸爸要是喜歡的話我下次還會帶她去的,媽媽聽到我那樣講也就答應了。今天跟朋友在聊天的時候朋友就問我之前放假去哪里玩了,我就告訴朋友我帶著家人去濱千鳥之湯 海舟遊玩,朋友聽了我講的事情就說她放假一直在家裏陪父母。



