

Ximending boutique hotel

Sometimes traveling with friends is also a good choice together, I am not a people who like to travel, but sometimes to a feel good. The heavenly life of various pressures, go out for a walk can also relax yourself. The last to go is to go with friends, was living in the Ximending Boutique Hotel, this is my friend, arrangements, he seemed like Ximending Boutique Hotel, I also think that the hotel is very good, just lived for a time but more deep impression. A friend and I do not like, he really loves to play everywhere, so the hotel thing to know him better.



osaka hotel

I saw our house next to the Osaka Hotel business is getting better and better, and I am also very happy, after all, Osaka Hotel is our Osaka best hotel, each time to the weekend, or on holiday, I saw the foreign tourists to travel here will enter into the Osaka Hotel, every time I see when these foreign tourists stay Osaka Hotel I want to go to talk with them a few words of it, because I now have a tour guide certificate, after I was going to take a tour group to travel abroad, I want to close contact with them, then there will be a great help to my future the work of the. But fortunately, my Chinese is said very nice.





osaka hotel

Because my mother gave me a set is Osaka Hotel, so I got off the plane, I went to the Osaka Hotel, is not very difficult, because I have already bought a map, the map is very detailed, the address of the hotel can also find. I think play in Japan is not a day for two days, was my family don’t agree, but I always say to, they also have no way, so agreed. Because I do not understand the Japanese side of the hotel, so the accommodation or let my mother came, he said to let him to give me the book the hotel’s words, he will be more at ease a bit, then set a good hotel in the Osaka Hotel I was off, wanted to take a taxi, but is expensive, I myself to sit public transportation to go there.

京都 住宿

第一次在京都 住宿有點不太習慣,還好酒店的環境是很不錯的,所以住起來還可以,因為我要是換一個地方睡覺的話就會有些不習慣,過兩天就好了。現在難得天氣這麼好,而且還有空閒,跟平時沒事宅家的人不一樣,我很喜歡出去旅遊的,像現在日本旅遊就很火,所以我也來了。來之前要安排京都 住宿的事情,還真的不好安排,因為我訂酒店的時候好像人還很多,一連找了幾家酒店都沒有空房,後來終於有一家酒店有空房,我就馬上預訂了。


就說嘛這次買回來的手工皂和我之前用的一點都不一樣,我還以為自己買了一個假的回來了呢,我還正在鬱悶的時候, 舍友走過來了,看到我買回來的手式皂就笑著給我說是自己也買了一款這樣的手工皂,她從地我旁邊說了好半會了,我才明白過來了,其實我買的手工皂還是以前的那個牌子,只不過是用了不同的皂章,現在的形狀也就不一樣了,材料什麽的還是沒變 的,瞧我這腦子怎麼就沒想到是皂章的變化 呢,看來我對這些東西的觀察力還是不行。

