Taipei Japanese restaurant

Too happy, did not think of Taipei I have but to eat very delicious Japanese cuisine, since I came back from Japan will rarely eat very authentic Japanese cuisine, the last honey give me I have not much interest when they just speaking of the Taipei Japanese restaurant, honey, this weekend that want to go to the Taipei Japanese restaurant for dinner, and the two of us went, but not in this Japanese cuisine is very good, and the Taipei Japanese restaurant environment is also very good, two of us ordered a lot of food, eat too great, for a long time have not eaten so happy.


現在想想相親其實也還是挺不錯的,因為我和我老婆也是在相親的時候認識的,現在我們都已經結婚兩年了,感情有也是一直非常的不錯的,所以我覺得其實相親也還是非常的不錯的,因為我自己以前的時候也是非常的抵觸相親這樣的方式的,我也總覺得現在都什麽時代了還需要什麽相親啊,自己談戀愛不是挺好的嘛,可是事實并不是我想的那樣,自從工作上后,可能因為自己工作的原因根本就接觸不到女孩子 的。慢慢了自己也到了適婚的年齡了,家里也逼著自己去相親了,不過幸運的是我就在在相親的時候找到了自己的真愛。