

Taipei luxury hotel

To try things I see my wife this snack goods see good the two pairs of eyes began to shine in it, this is a wonderful wife I was silent, but every time he that eat small appearance, I still quite like it, no way who let his cute, the day before yesterday to listen to a friend said that Taipei luxury hotel inside the special delicious, yesterday with the snack goods wife went to the Taipei luxury hotel, oh, sit in a seat above my wife put all of the food again, I was dumbfounded, we two can eat so much? As a result my wife a few words to eat, so I don’t know what to do, but luxury hotel Taipei inside the food is really good.

Taipei four star

He is held in Taipei four star when my friend last month’s birthday, although I often stay in before the Taipei four star but I never Taipei four star held a birthday party, I really don’t know this Taipei four star which can also hold a birthday party yet, if not for my friends birthday in the Taipei four star held I guess I never thought of being held in the Taipei star inside the four, but to be honest my friend’s birthday party is held in the Taipei four star inside the special good, the layout inside the special romantic warmth, and the there is also a luxurious feeling.

Ximending accommodation

Never thought we all grow so big, have to talk about marriage age in a twinkling of an eye, I feel I haven’t stay in my mother’s side, enough this more than months my fiance and I will be in Ximending accommodation banquets, to do our wedding hoopla. My mother’s heart although there are a lot of, but he also can find happiness and happy for me, after all, I was his favorite daughter, I am the apple of his eye, in order to our wedding can be held as usual, my mother is also struggling state of mind, with all day we went to Ximending accommodation run, my psychology is especially grateful to my mother, he also paid a lot of for me!

best antivirus for PC

To my sister home today, I have been to the brother-in-law took I asked me to give him to repair the computer, so I will go to see, the results I found actually computer is no problem, just because of his previous antivirus software is out of date, do not work, not to protect the role of the computer, so I will say to the computer to install the best antivirus for PC, because I also have a best antivirus for PC, so just out of my bag to my brother-in-law’s computer installed, best antivirus for PC can work normally now, he is very happy, I came today was really too good, because both of them don’t know much about the computer, so I help them solve the problem, the elder sister today will give me to do my favorite hot pot to eat.


我好幾個朋友都是在大型藥店工作的,所以當我想要給我媽媽買點補品的時候,第一反應就是要找他們幫忙,因為他們 還是比較專業的人員,對藥品也比較熟悉,我到了藥店之後 剛好我朋友也在,於是就把我媽媽的身體狀況跟朋友說了,他就給了我這個膠原蛋白推薦,說是膠原蛋白的話,可以增強抵抗力,增強睡眠質量,所以也蠻適合我媽媽的,我聽了之後,就接受了我朋友的膠原蛋白推薦,給媽媽買了幾盒,想著效果好的話,我以後也可以服用呢。


女人通過注射乳酸菌,就可以起到美容的效果呢,我也是通過看電視知道的,而且我也知道現在好多明星都是通過乳酸菌而變得這麼漂亮的,所以我也想嘗試一下呢,我是一個平面模特,雖然只是 剛剛出道也沒有太多的經驗,可是我是平面模特之前,也首先是一名愛美的女性,跟大多數人一樣,我也有一顆愛美之心,所以我就想通過注射乳酸菌,讓我變得更加美麗,也讓我在事業上一帆風順,我也是很期待呢,因為我已經開始了美容啟程,我對我自己還是蠻有信心的。





大阪 住宿

我和老婆結婚後我就帶著老婆去了日本大阪度蜜月去了。因為之前的一些事情耽誤了不少時間,所以婚假也只有半個月了。沒想到來到大阪後這半個月也過的太快了,我和老婆都不舍得離開這裏, 我們剛在大阪 住宿住習慣了,而且非常喜歡這裏,真不想離開呀。但是沒辦法,得回去工作。只能下次有時間了在帶著老婆來大阪 住宿了,這半個月以來可以算是我人生中最快樂的時光吧。我和 老婆約好,下次再來大阪還去我們這次的大阪 住宿去居住,下次一定要多待幾天。