
為了婚宴場地的事情,我都忙了一個禮拜了, 眼著我們的婚期是越來越近了,我們婚宴場地還沒有訂好,真是一件讓我非常著急的事情了,因為我和老婆我們兩個一直都在國外,就為了舉行婚禮的事情回來了,婚禮的好多的事情都是家里人幫我們做的,可是就婚宴場地的我想自己來選的,可是沒想到的是好多的婚宴場地都已經被人給預約了,我和老婆這幾天都去了好多的婚宴場地的,都被人訂走了,不過後來找熟人再幫我訂了一個婚宴場地,今天我和老婆一起去參觀了一下,感覺還不錯所以就訂下來了。

台北 太陽餅

姐姐嫁到臺北去了,每年回來的次數也不是很多,雖說回來的比較少吧但是每次回來的時候都帶好多臺北的特產,我比姐姐小好幾歲,在姐姐眼裏我永遠的是個小孩子。所以每次來都給我帶一些漂亮衣服,好吃的東西。好多好吃的我見都沒見過。記得姐姐結婚後回來的第一次給我帶來臺北 太陽餅我特別喜歡吃,所以我就要姐姐下次來多點臺北 太陽餅給我,要麼郵過來也行。姐姐就是姐姐,來的時候也帶,長時間不回來就會擱段時間給我郵一些過來。臺北 太陽餅我怎麼吃都吃不夠。



Taipei hotel near mrt

With the friend before a trip to Taipei are small in comparison with the inside the hotel accommodation, this time with big sister a tourism elder sister to Taipei to put arrangements in the Taipei hotel near MRT hotel did not think this hotel is quite good, than those hotel I stayed before must be comfortable, environment is particularly good. After traveling back from Taipei I to friends about my travel in Taipei live in the Taipei hotel near MRT thing, friends listened to my story said to listen to me so well that she go to the Taipei tourism is also arranged in the Taipei hotel near MRT, say that I heard friends tell friends she lived in a certain feel good that the hotel was.

濱千鳥之湯 海舟

早就聽說了在日本有好多的溫泉的,而且要是泡溫泉的話非常的便宜的,而且經常泡溫泉即可減肥有益于身心健康呢,所以我這次去日本旅遊我一定要去泡溫泉的,為了這次旅遊我已經準備了好幾天了,就等著出發了。到中午的時候男朋友給我說是自己在網上看到了一個濱千鳥之湯 海舟,我剛一聽到這個濱千鳥之湯 海舟的時候我以為是好玩的,後來男朋友給我說是這個濱千鳥之湯 海舟就是一個旅館,而且還可以泡溫泉的,我一聽到可以泡溫泉我就讓他果斷的給把這個濱千鳥之湯 海舟預定下來。

日本 酒店


Taipei Japanese restaurant

To please customers in Japan for dinner in Taipei, so when the manager told the news to me, my psychological already have an idea. Because we are here if entertain clients in Japan, I think in the Taipei Japanese restaurant conference again good however, because Taipei Japanese restaurant Japanese cuisine really do well, remember our company before there is a Japanese customer, I would put him to eat Japanese in Taipei Japanese Restaurant Restaurant came, he finally also kua I really do, because he has a high opinion of Taipei Japanese restaurant, said here is the Japanese cuisine than in Japan do delicious, after listening to me very happy.



where to stay in Taipei

Friends to go to Taiwan tourism, but haven’t booked a hotel. Because I had been there, so she let me help her see what Ok Hotel, but because I was too busy, no time, so I let her go to the where to stay in Taipei see, I booked the hotel are essential in the where to stay in Taipei the above order. In the where to stay in Taipei above book hotel words is very convenient. Friends to listen to my words will go to the where to stay in Taipei above the hotel. See a lot of very good hotel do not know what a good book. I said above that the hotel is very good, so pick a line, is certainly no problem.

台湾 凤梨酥

朋友又给我邮来了台湾 凤梨酥真的太开心了, 说起我这个朋友这还是我去年去台北旅游的时候认识的,虽然我那次只去臺北了不到一個月的時間,但是我覺得那是我玩的最開心的一段時間了,在哪里我吃到了很多的臺灣美食,而且認識了一個非常好的朋友就是小玉,那段時間小玉帶我吃了去了好多的小吃街,不過我最喜歡的還是台湾 凤梨酥了, 後來回國后就沒台湾 凤梨酥吃了,後來有一次和小玉在網聊的時候,說到了台湾 凤梨酥,後來小玉主幾乎每個月都給我郵一些台湾 凤梨酥來,給我解解饞。