



日本 買樓

早早都想买房了,听说日本 買樓,我更是欣喜若狂。我打听了一下行情,价格便宜,房子没有任何质量问题,简直是天上掉馅饼呐。我告诉了朋友家人日本 買樓,他们都说是趁着这次机会就买上几套房。因为过不了多久我们就会移民到日本去了,正是缺一个住的地方,其他的都已经准备好了,所以就差买房子了。但日本房一直都很紧缺,没有机会买上房,移民也只好待定了。这次买好了房子,装修完之后我们就可以移民去日本了。终于等到了这一天呐

osaka hotel

While I was in Osaka I of Osaka are not very familiar with, because when I was small with the family to live in Tokyo, but our company the organized a trip to Osaka, and the hotel or in the Osaka Hotel. We are very happy, because some of my colleagues know that I was in Osaka, he was asking me some questions about Osaka, but I really do not know ah! Although colleagues some disappointment, but they didn’t blame me, then I also Osaka Hotel touched my hair, I now work what he asked, what about the two of us life, the reunion was an accident, but they were both very happy, so still have to thank the company for us welfare.

Taipei Japanese restaurant

Our inland city here is not to eat authentic Japanese cuisine, although there has been a dream of the chance to go to Japan to say, this is still a distant dream, what time to realize didn’t know. Not the past, not Japan to Taiwan is also very good, the last time with friends to Taiwan, at the Taipei Japanese restaurant had a nice dinner, is really not the same. The friend said the Taiwan side of the Taipei Japanese restaurant is a very authentic, there are a lot of Japanese do personally, so I am with a good appetite. Maybe he can often find a friend to play, so I can often go to Taipei Japanese restaurant for dinner, I think is a very happy thing.


我要開始減肥了,再不減肥真的不行了,昨天見到我一個大學同學的時候,讓我不相信的是她比起以前真的瘦了好多了,記得我們以前上學的時候她還是個胖乎乎的女生的,可是沒想到我們才兩年沒見的她的變化如此的大了,而且現在特別 的瘦,身材也特別的棒的,而且再看看我自己,自從畢業後,我反而是胖了好多的,而且我也明顯的感覺到了。後來 我和同學我們一起聊了一下才知道畢業後她去做了中醫減肥堅持了一段時間後就瘦 下來了,我真不敢相信一個中醫減肥這麽的厲害,不過我想了一下我自己也想去試一下這個中醫減肥。

Ximending boutique hotel

Have the Spring Festival these days we the whole family went to Taipei, this time have the Spring Festival we chose a different way, is to have the Spring Festival travel. The traditional way to have the Spring Festival now grown up feel no meaning, just my parents always wanted to go to Taipei to visit, I would a good plan our trip to Taipei have the Spring Festival, so this time we went to many places in Taipei, also live well also several wine shop, but give me a feeling of the most bar or Ximending Boutique Hotel, Ximending boutique hotel environment is very good, but the surrounding traffic can also be convenient. Is one of the best hotels when we trip to live.

京都 住宿


東京 不動產


osaka hotel

Study abroad is very popular now, but I heard a lot of students studying abroad in are very hard, in addition to the usual to the completion of a very heavy course, would also like to go to the hotel working to earn tuition and pocket money, I have a younger sister to go to Japan as it was before, listen to she told me later, when she was studying in Japan the daily homework, pressure is very great, but for the independence and she had to go to a company called Osaka Hotel to work, although the salary is not particularly high, but can support themselves, and her middle many students also work in the Osaka Hotel, they all take it as a very good exercise, from no one feels shame.